In the Britain at War project, your child will learn about the main causes of the First World War and which countries were the major players. They will investigate why so many men volunteered to fight and then sequence the events at the start of the war. Using various sources of evidence, the children will learn about life in the trenches and the consequences of new weaponry. They will listen to first-hand accounts of life on the home front and evaluate the impact of war on everyday life. They will also discover the events that led to the Allied Powers’ victory and the consequences of the Treaty of Versailles. The children will also learn about the causes and main events of the Second World War. They will find out how Britain prepared itself for war and the war’s impact on civilian life. They will learn about the Battle of Britain and how it proved to be a key turning point for the Allied Powers. They will also hear about Anne Frank and discover what her story tells us about the treatment of Jewish people by the Nazi Party. The children will research the causes and consequences of the end of the Second World War and investigate the legacy of the wars in Britain. Closer to home, the children will research the life of a local First World War hero who sacrificed their life fighting for Britain. They will also investigate the legacy of these global conflicts in the post-war period.
- Frozen Kingdom (Geography)
- Britain at War (History)
- Maafa (History)
In school, the children will learn comprehension skills using a high-quality whole class guided reading programme, increase their reading fluency through daily practice, listen to high-quality books read by an adult every day and read for pleasure.
Reading fluency is an essential pre-requisite to reading comprehension once children have a sound knowledge of phonics. Children should be able to read quickly and accurately with good intonation and phrasing so that their attention can focus on comprehension and meaning.
We want our school to be a place where children are read to, enjoy, discuss and work with high quality books. These ‘essential reads’ would be a store of classics, creating a living library inside a child’s mind. This is the ‘Reading Spine’. We have provided the Pie Corbett reading spine in our classrooms so that children have access to these high quality texts. In addition to these quality reads, we have also provided ‘ 6 To Get You Started,’ . These books include: a funny book, a classic, a picture book, a poetry book, an adventure book and a non-fiction book.
Pie Corbett says…
“Great books build the imagination. The more we read aloud expressively, and the more children are able to savour, discuss and reinterpret literature through the arts, the more memorable the characters, places and events become, building an inner world. A child who is read to will have an inner kingdom of unicorns, talking spiders and a knife that cuts into other worlds. The mind is like a ‘tardis’; it may seem small but inside there are many mansions. Each great book develops the imagination and equips the reader with language.
Great stories speak to us as individuals and some children will return to certain books again and again. Great stories also build our language because around 75 per cent of our vocabulary comes from our reading. Reading develops the ability to think in the abstract; to follow lines of thought. Schools that have a reading spine, build a common bank of stories that bind the community together. These are shared and deeply imagined common experiences.”
Fluency is promoted through IT programs such as TT Rockstars and Numbots and daily fluency sessions. This allows children to monitor their own progress, motivate themselves and practice essential elements. By being fluent and developing automaticity, pupils spend more time learning to reason with complex maths questions.
These are the units that will be covered in the Autumn term:
- Number and Place Value
- Calculations
- Fractions
- Decimals
- Percentages
- Converting Units
- Algebra
- Ratio and Proportions
- Properties of Shapes
- Statistics
- Position and Direction
- Perimeter, Area , Volume
You can support your child at home:
- Home learning will be set using MyMAths - your child will have an username and log in to access his/ her learning.
- In year 6, the children need to be secure in their knowledge of all timestables-. The children are recommended to use TT rockstars to practise multiplication and division daily - little and often is more effective
- Use MyMaths to complete online learning linked to the learning completed in class
- Encourage maths learning in fun ways e.g. cooking, play shop keeping, using songs for timetables etc
- If your child is eager to complete extra home learning, please find the maths booklets attached to our units of learning this term. In addition, you can access videos linked to this year`s unit by following the link: White Rose Home learning videos