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Curriculum Overview


At Stuart Road Academy our intent is for each and every pupil to achieve their full potential. Through a broad, text-rich and exciting curriculum, we intend to offer a range of learning opportunities that stimulate and inspire our pupils.

We want every child to be prepared and confident for the next step of their educational journey through the application of knowledge and skills learned through our curriculum offer.


Reading, writing and maths are at the core of all our learning at Stuart Road Academy. For us, successful early reading is key to providing solid foundations of all future learning experiences. To this end, we start our reading commitment at Reception with daily phonics sessions using the Read Write Inc programme. This is continued through Years 1 and 2, and once pupils are fluent readers, they move on the Accelerated Reader developing and improving their comprehension skills weekly.

Every half term, pupils are taught a new topic, which is underpinned by a quality text for both reading and writing lessons, with in-depth analysis that, both challenges and stretches learning. Each new topic is launched with either a special visitor or memorable experience to captivate and inspire children from the start, for example An Ancient Egyptian workshop when pupils learn the mummification process, to the Explorer Dome to learn about space and the solar system.

Within each topic, SMSC (Social Moral, Spiritual & Cultural), PSHE (Personal, Social, Health Education) and FBV (Fundamental British Values) are actively taught and Maths is taught discreetly using a mastery approach. Knowledge Organisers are provided to children and parents at the beginning of each topic to demonstrate the range of knowledge children will be expected to learn. A range of feedback is provided regularly and accurately ensuring misconceptions are addressed quickly. 


The impact of our curriculum is continuously assessed and monitored by class teachers and subject leaders. Planning is monitored and, if necessary, adapted to ensure that learning outcomes and expectations remain high. Subject leaders regularly assess the impact of their subject on pupils’ learning to ensure that they not only meet but exceed national standards. This in turn not only ensures that all pupils meet their full potential but empowers them knowledge and skills for the future.

Stuart Road Science Curriculum



  • To build a Science Curriculum with appropriate knowledge, skills and understanding as set out in the National Curriculum Science Programmes of study.
  • To fulfil the duties of the National Curriculum, providing a broad and balanced curriculum which promotes the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of pupils to prepare them for the next stage in their schooling and later life.

At Stuart Road, we aim for a high-quality Science Curriculum which sparks curiosity and interest in the world around them.  We want children to love and be inspired by their environment, be able to ask questions and explore the answers.  In Plymouth, over 55% of all employment is STEM related (plymouth.gov.uk) and the CBI reports that 32% of STEM companies are experiencing difficulties in recruitment. Therefore, at Stuart Road we want every child to be prepared and confident to reach their full academic potential in these subjects in order to access the careers available to them within and beyond the city.


At Stuart Road, we have recently implemented (September 2021) the Cornerstones curriculum.  Each term, the children study a new topic which is introduced with a memorable experience to engage our learners.  Each topic is driven by a specific curriculum area, many of which are an element of science. We are using KRPs (Knowledge Rich Projects), with 1 being taught over 2 terms. Examples of science taught within these include ‘Coastline’ (Year 2) which focuses upon ‘Uses of Everyday Materials’, ‘Misty Mountain, Winding River’ (Year 4) which covers ‘States of Matter’, and ‘Maafa’ (Year 6) which studies ‘Circulatory System. We have Science-based visitors such as the ‘Explorer Dome’ (Years 4&5), and STEM sessions delivered across the key stages from the REMEDIES Project and online projects.


Impact of the curriculum is evaluated via pupil voice as well as through assessment data in knowledge and skills. Our RoCKs cards test knowledge at the beginning, during and end of lessons, and these are re-capped continually to ensure knowledge and skills are embedded. Book looks, lesson observations and planning scrutiny is carried out by the Science Co-ordinator to ensure that the curriculum is driven forwards and that all children reach their potential.

PE Intent, Implementation, Impact Statement


At Stuart Road, we aim to develop a love of sport and physical activity in all children and inspire them to become lifelong active people when they leave KS2. We want all children to develop and improve the fundamental skills needed to access all physical activity. Children will understand the importance of healthy competition against either themselves (personal best) or other children, the importance of an active and healthy lifestyle and the role that physical activity plays in achieving this, how to swim, basic survival skills in water and life skills such as teamwork, independence and resilience.


In EYFS, PE is given lots of focus and is encouraged using both the indoor and outdoor provision. Children access a PE lesson each week which focuses on developing a particular skill using a varied range of equipment including parachutes, benches, balls, mats and climbing apparatus. Emphasis is put on creating fun and enjoyable sessions for the children which aim to inspire a love of sport and physical activity. Children are given opportunities during their PE lessons and appropriate activities within provision to observe and discuss the physical effects that being active has on their bodies. They are encouraged to talk about how they link to 'being healthy'.

Akin to EYFS, in KS1, children are taught hour long PE sessions using our Real PE platform. Children build on the fundamental skills taught in EYFS and aim to master basic skill movements such as running, throwing, jumping and catching as well as beginning to develop balance, agility and coordination. Children are introduced to team games as well as individual sports. Basic tactics are introduced to the children as well as competitive sports whether that be competing against other children, teams or themselves. A healthy lifestyle is taught through Science in Year 2, building on prior knowledge from EYFS.

In KS2, children will learn how to apply all skills taught throughout their school journey in isolation and combination. They develop an understanding of how to improve, evaluate themselves and others and recognise their own success. There is a bigger focus in both competition against themselves or other children. Children are also provided with swimming lessons throughout Year 5 to allow them to meet the objectives outlined in the National Curriculum.

PE is adapted when necessary to ensure it is fully inclusive and all children are engaged. The aim of this is to see a clear progression of skills throughout their school journey. At the end of the year, there is a Sports Day where parents are invited in to support their children.

Across the year, children of all ages are also invited to join after school clubs which include many areas such as football, tennis and rugby. Opportunities for outside activities are also provided be this the Plymouth Half Marathon or Life Centre activities for example.


Children leave school having a love of sport and physical activity both in and out of school, with this continuing into later life. Children will have worked on their own aspirations in relation to PE and this will be carried on after leaving KS2, with children continuing to participate for enjoyment or competitively. All children should be able to discuss the importance of a healthy lifestyle and how this is achieved as well as developed skills that underpin life such as teamwork, sportsmanship, self-motivation, resilience and independence.