***** Is your child due to start school in September 2025? ****To book a one to one school tour, please call the school office on 01752 567668 ****

Class Information

The School Day
 The school day starts at 8:40am and ends at 15:00pm. Miss Dan and Mrs T will greet the children and parents at the classroom door. This is a great time for you to ask us any questions you have!  Lunch time is 11:45am to 12:45pm. All children are entitled to a free hot school meal.

PPA - PPA is planning, preparation and assessment time for teachers. At Stuart Road every teacher is entitled to a day out the class every fortnight. Miss Dan’s PPA day will be every other Tuesday. Mrs Baker will be covering the class when Miss Dan is on her PPA.

Reading and phonics — At Stuart Road we follow the RWI phonics scheme. Reading books will be given out later in the term once we have begun to group children in the phonics sessions. To start with, the children will be provided with single sound sheets to practice the sound that has been taught that day. After the groupings, the children will eventually move onto simple CVC blending books. Alongside phonics books, we give the children a shared reading book. This book is for you to read to your child and share a love for reading. We will be changing reading books in school every Friday.

For more information about the phonics scheme we teach, please visit the ruth miskin website to view videos to help support your child’s reading. Home - Ruth Miskin Literacy

PE— Our PE will take place on a Tuesday every week. Please ensure the children come to school in their P.E kits and their names are on all items. We follow the Real P.E scheme. Please visit the website for more information Primary PE Schemes of Work, PE Lesson Plans, CPD & more | real PE

Maths – At Stuart Road we teach maths daily. We follow the White rose and Mastery maths schemes. Please visit website for more information! Maths & Science resources | CPD courses | White Rose Education and Mastery Explained | NCETM

Homework— Homework will be given out every half term based on the topic we are learning about. The weekly reading for phonics will also be homework for the children.

Useful links –  Set 1 sounds pronunciation Read Write Inc.: How to say the set one, set two and set three sounds

Mathematical songs Counting Songs - BBC Teach

Phonics games PhonicsPlay

If you have any more questions, please ask Miss Dan or Mrs T in the morning handover