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At Stuart Road Academy, the development of children’s spoken language underpins all seven areas of learning and development. This focus shapes how we teach and plan all topics and projects. It is crucial that children can understand and apply confidently key vocabulary.


                              What does Science look like at Stuart Road in EYFS?

The science curriculum begins as soon as the children start school in the EYFS. Learning in science links to the EYFS Statutory Educational Programme: Understanding the world. The activities and enhanced provision in our early years curriculum guide children to make sense of their physical world. They build essential knowledge and understanding that they will apply in science in KS1. Projects such as Exploring Autumn, Winter Wonderland and Signs of Spring support children to explore and understand seasonal changes in the natural world around them.


                                 What does History look like at Stuart Road in EYFS?

The history curriculum begins as soon as the children start school in the EYFS. Learning in history links to the EYFS Statutory Educational Programme: Understanding the world. The activities and enhanced provision in our early year’s curriculum provide opportunities for children to explore images and share stories that introduce them to people and events from the past and compare them with their own lives. Projects such as Me and My Community, Once Upon a Time and Long Ago include activities that support children to explore life in the past and discuss how they have changed since they were babies. They are introduced to vocabulary related to the passage of time, and they put events in order.


                                   What does Geography look like at Stuart Road in EYFS?

The geography curriculum begins as soon as the children start school in the EYFS. Learning in geography links to the EYFS Statutory Educational Programme: Understanding the world. Through hands-on experiences and a range of quality stories and non-fiction books, children can explore their local environment and begin to compare it with contrasting environments around the world. They build essential knowledge and understanding that they will apply in geography in KS1. Projects such as Let’s Explore, Animal Safari, On the Beach and Big Wide World support children to explore and find out about environments, people and cultures where they live and world-wide.

                                        What does Art look like at Stuart Road in EYFS?

The art curriculum begins as soon as the children start school in the EYFS. Learning in art links to the EYFS Statutory Educational Programme: Expressive Art and Design. The activities and enhanced provision in our early years curriculum provide regular opportunities for children to explore and play with a wide range of media and materials to build skills and knowledge that they can apply in KS1 and beyond.


                                        What does DT look like at Stuart Road in EYFS?

The DT curriculum begins as soon as the children start school in the EYFS. Learning in DT links to the EYFS Statutory Educational Programme: Expressive Art and Design. The activities and enhanced provision in our early years curriculum provide children with the opportunity to construct and create with a range of materials. They are encouraged to work collaboratively and use a range of small and large-scale construction kits to create models. They are introduced to joining techniques, and projects such as Puppets, and Pop-Ups provide the opportunity to explore products to inspire their own designs. Through the curriculum, they build essential knowledge and understanding that they will apply in DT in KS1.


                               What does English/literacy look like at Stuart Road in EYFS?

At Stuart Road we follow a phonics scheme called RWI. Alongside the RWI structure we will teach initial sounds, oral blending, CVC sounds, reciting know stories, listening to stories with attention and recall.​ Help children to read the sounds speedily and to help record the letters as well. This will make sound-blending easier​. We Listen to children read aloud every day, ensuring books are consistent with their developing phonic knowledge. We also have a focus on penicil grip and handwriting within our phonics sessions. Please see the RWI website for further information about reading and writing. Home - Ruth Miskin Literacy


                             What does PSHE and R.E look like at Start Road in EYFS?

To support C+L at Stuart Road we will begin with settling in activities ​and circle time every Friday. We will have a focus of our school value of kindness and making friends with our peers in our class. Each day we will model and talk through the routines of the day using a timetable. At the beginning of term, we will assess the children’s blank levels and allow for this to lead our planning and interactions with the children. At Stuart Road the first part of term is a crucial time for children to see themselves as a valuable individual. It is also the introduction to class Rules and Routines and why are they important to us at Stuart Road. This will be implemented throughout the year with high quality interactions, daily group discussions, circle time, PSED discussions linked to jigsaw scheme and S+L interventions.

 At Stuart Road the children will explore the theme of celebration and begin to learn about similarities and differences between life in their country and countries around the world. They learn about various celebrations, traditions and customs that happen during winter including Christmas, Diwali and Hanukkah.  


                                     What does P.E look like at Stuart Road in EYFS?

At Stuart Road we follow a scheme called Real P.E. for our structed P.E lessons. This scheme emphasises a child-centred approach to include, challenge and support every child. It develops physical literacy, knowledge, emotional and thinking skills for PE, sport and everyday life.

In our classroom, physical development will look like threading, cutting, weaving, playdough. Other fine motor activities such as manipulating objects with a range of different tools such as tweezers. The children will have opportunities to explore their gross motor movements and will be taught how to hold a pencil or paint brush beyond a whole hand grasp.


                               What does Maths look at Stuart Road in EYFS?

At Stuart Road we follow two schemes called Mastery maths and White Rose maths. Both of these schemes instil positive attitudes to maths at an early age with maths resources that help children learn in fun, hands-on, practical ways. At Stuart Road we are actively aware that early mathematical knowledge is an essential foundation stone of every child’s educational journey and what they learn in maths in these early years is a major predictor of later success. For more information on how we teach our adult-led lessons please visit websites for more information about how we teach, and plan maths are Stuart Road. Mastery Explained | NCETM and Maths & Science resources | CPD courses | White Rose Education.