In school, the children will learn comprehension skills using a high-quality whole class guided reading programme, increase their reading fluency through daily practice, listen to high-quality books read by an adult every day and read for pleasure.
Reading fluency is an essential pre-requisite to reading comprehension once children have a sound knowledge of phonics. Children should be able to read quickly and accurately with good intonation and phrasing so that their attention can focus on comprehension and meaning.
- Invasion (History)
- Misty Mountains, Winding River (Geography)
- Ancient Civilisations (History)
Fluency is promoted through IT programs such as TT Rockstars as well as daily fluency sessions. This allows children to monitor their own progress, motivate themselves and practice essential elements. By being fluent and developing automaticity, pupils spend more time learning to reason with complex maths questions.
You can support your child at home:
- In year 4, the children need to be secure in their knowledge of 3, 4 & 8 times tables- use TT rockstars to practice multiplication and division.
- Encourage maths learning in fun ways e.g. cooking, play shop keeping, using songs for timetables etc