Who will help me with my learning?
Class Teacher (CT): Mrs Ioja
Higher Level Teaching Assistant (HLTA): Mrs Piper & Mrs Baker
KS2 Teaching Assistants (TA): Mrs Lonie
Year 5 Projects
Autumn Term - Groundbreaking Greeks
DT - Architecture
Science - Properties and Changes of Materials
Art & Design - Mixed Media
Art & Design - Tints, Tones and Shades
Geography - Investigating Our World
Spring Term - Dynamic Dynasties
Art & Design - Expression
Art & Design - Taotie
Science - Forces and Mechanisms
Science - Earth and Space
DT - Moving Mechanisms
Summer Term - Sow, Grow & Farm
DT - Eat the Seasons
Science - Human Reproduction and Ageing
Art & Design - Line, Light and Shadows
Art & Design - Nature's Art
Groundbreaking Greeks
This project teaches children about developments and changes over six periods of ancient Greek history, focusing on the city state of Athens in the Classical age, and exploring the lasting legacy of ancient Greece.
Dynamic Dynasties
This project teaches children about the history of ancient China, focusing primarily on the Shang Dynasty, and explores the lasting legacy of the first five Chinese dynasties, some of which can still be seen in the world today.
Sow, Grow and Farm
This project teaches children about the features and characteristics of land use in agricultural regions across the world, including a detailed exploration of significant environmental areas.
Home Learning
Remember to keep reading at school and at home!
As soon as you have finished your book, please take an AR quiz before changing it.
Set yourself a challenge this term - Can you achieve your reading target?
Times Tables
Please partake in the games on TT Rockstars to improve your times tables fluency.
Can you get closer to becoming a Rock Hero this term? Good Luck!
Don't forget - your scores will help improve our tournament score, too!
Maths -set on Monday hand in on Friday. Maths will be set on MyMaths.
Project - Complete one or more activities from the learning ideas menu linked to our termly topic.
You will be set spellings to learn at home on a weekly basis. The spellings set will link to the focus of the spelling lesson being taught that week and the number of words will be a maximum of ten depending on the level of difficulty.
When do I need to wear my PE Kit?
- Every Tuesday
- Come to school in your PE kit: white t-shirt, black shorts and trainers
- In cold weather: black tracksuit bottoms and your school sweatshirt
- Please ensure all kit is clearly named
What else do I need to know about Year 5?
- I need my daily water bottle and healthy snack
- My teacher will provide all the resources I need for learning, so I don't need to bring in my own items
- I will be ready, respectful and safe at all times in school
Year 5 Information for Parents
In Year 5 we are using the Accelerated Reader (AR) books. Children will complete a reading test which will give an AR level. Children pick their book at their level from the school library. When children have read their books and feel confident to answer questions about the plot, characters and their likes/dislikes, they take an AR quiz. The quiz will give the child the next AR level to take - it can move up, down or stay the same.
In school, the children will learn comprehension skills using a high-quality whole class guided reading programme, increase their reading fluency through daily practice, listen to high-quality books read by an adult every day and read for pleasure.
Reading fluency is an essential pre-requisite to reading comprehension once children have a sound knowledge of phonics. Children should be able to read quickly and accurately with good intonation and phrasing so that their attention can focus on comprehension and meaning.
Spelling in year 5
In year 5 children learn to read, write and spell a considerable number of year 5 and 6 words. It is expected that pupils consistently spell these words accurately, therefore, we would greatly appreciate parental support with the learning of these words.
Spelling is leaned through Read Write Inc. Spelling which is a 15-minute-a-day programme for years 2-6. Children learn through a variety of teacher-led, pair work and independent activities to engage them and enable them to become confident and proficient spellers.
Every two weeks, children will focus on a new spelling pattern and they will practice words with this spelling pattern in a variety of ways during the week. Please find below the spellings for this term together with the year 5 and 6 spelling words. In addition, please find the spelling challenges document where there are suggestions as to ways to learn new spellings.
Maths in year 5
Daily maths lessons are taught in small steps using the NCETM and maths mastery approach. We provide children with practical equipment to secure their understanding of each small step. As they develop as mathematicians, they are expected to use both pictorial and written methods as outlined in our whole school calculation policy. To help children succeed in maths, there is a strong focus on developing maths fluency and arithmetic skills.
Fluency is promoted through IT programs such as TT Rockstars and Numbots and daily fluency sessions. This allows children to monitor their own progress, motivate themselves and practice essential elements. By being fluent and developing automaticity, pupils spend more time learning to reason with complex maths questions.
Home learning will be set on a weekly basis and the children have the opportunity to revisit content learn in class. MyMaths is used for this.